How Do You Know if You Have a Sprained Arm

What is Sprain in the Arm?

A sprain is a condition that occurs due to excessive stretching, twisting or tearing of a ligament due to heavy force on the joint. A sprained arm refers to sprain of ligaments in the shoulder joint or the elbow joint or both.(i Trusted Source
Sprains and Strains

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Shoulder joint consists of three bones namely, Clavicle, Scapula and Humerus. It takes two joints namely acromioclavicular joint and glenohumeral joint to produce movement in the shoulder. The glenohumeral joint is a brawl and socket joint and is covered by a synovial membrane.

Elbow joint is formed with three bones namely, Humerus, Radius and Ulna. It is a synovial swivel joint.

What Causes a Sprain in the Arm?

Sprained arm can happen due to a accident to the joint, falling on an out-stretched arm or forceful twisting of the arm. Sprained arm refers to sprain in the shoulder or/and elbow joints.

Common symptoms of a sprained arm are swelling, pain, redness and tenderness in the joint. Reduced range of motion in the joint is likewise present. Slight motion tin can aggravate pain.

Shoulder Sprain: Sports, and whatever job that involves lifting of heavy objects, connective tissue disorders and atmospheric condition with reduced muscle force increase the hazard of developing shoulder sprain. Pain is normally located in forepart of the articulation; it aggravates even with the slightest movement or pressure over that expanse.

Elbow Sprain: Its common occurrence in sports similar gymnastics or baseball; it tin develop, due to poor coordination or balance, inadequate flexibility or forcefulness in the muscles, ligaments and connective tissue disorders(2 Trusted Source
Shoulder Problems and Injuries

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). Elbow sprains are graded depending upon the severity of the injury:

  • Form 1 Some corporeality of stretching with minimal tearing of the ligament is nowadays.
  • Class 2 Partial tearing of the ligament is present.
  • Grade 3 Complete tearing of the ligament is present.

Weather condition That Mimic Symptoms of a Sprain in the Arm:

  • Frozen Shoulder or Adhesive Capsulitis: It causes pain and stiffness in the shoulder joint. It occurs due to the thickening and tightening of the capsule of connective tissue that is present effectually the bones, ligaments and tendons in the shoulder joint. Therefore, there is brake of motion in the joint. People who are more than prone to developing frozen shoulder are those aged over forty years and those with immobility and systemic diseases like diabetes, overactive/underactive thyroid, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases. Physical examination, Ten- rays and MRI are helpful in diagnosing the condition.
  • Shoulder Impingement or Rotator Cuff Tendinitis: Information technology is the inflammation of the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles while they laissez passer through the subacromial space. Bony spurs, osteoarthritis spurs, abnormalities in the structure of the acromion, thickening of the coracoacromial ligament or the subacromial bursa, and injury to the rotator cuff muscles are commonly involved in the occurrence of shoulder impingement syndrome. Pain, weakness and loss of motion are often present in the afflicted joint. Concrete exam, ultrasound, Arthrogram and MRI are frequently useful in concluding on the diagnosis.(iii Trusted Source
    Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

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What is Shoulder Impingement?

  • Subacromial Bursitis: Information technology is the inflammation of the bursa lying between the superior surface of the supra-spinatus tendon and coraco-acromial ligament. It is characterized with shoulder pain located in the front and side, weakness and stiffness in the articulation.
  • Brachial Plexus Injury: Information technology is the injury to the network of nerves (brachial plexus) that carries signals from the spine to the shoulder, arm and hand. It tin exist caused past diverse factors like injuries while playing football, automobile accidents, hard births (breech presentation, prolonged labor), tumors and radiation. A rare condition chosen Parsonage-Turner syndrome causes similar symptoms without any apparent injury. It gives an electric shock-like or called-for sensation that travels downward the arm, weakness, numbness, loss of movement, loss of sensation in the arm and severe pain.
  • Cervical Radiculopathy: It is the injury or compression of the nerves arising from the cervical spine. Symptoms depend on the extent of injury and the nerve injured. Bone spurs, arthritis, spondylosis and aging can crusade cervical radiculopathy. Sharp hurting traveling down the arm with pins and needles awareness and weakness are commonly manifested with this condition. Symptoms worsen with turning of the caput and straining of the cervix.
  • Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis: It is the thickening, inflammation and overgrowth of the synovium surrounding the shoulder or the elbow joint leading to bone damage and arthritis. It can be localized or lengthened in the joint. Symptoms include swelling with hurting, stiffness, locking, catching and instability in the articulation.
  • Tennis Elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis: It is the inflammation or degeneration of tendon tissue that is attached to the extensor muscles of the lateral epicondyle. Pain is commonly located over the outer side of the elbow. It increases with gripping or activity. Ten�rays and physical examination aid in concluding the cause.
  • Olecranon Bursitis: Information technology is the inflammation of the bursa located at the joint infinite that is useful for cushioning the bones, tendons and muscles in the elbow joint. It is characterized with swollen red joints that are painful and stiff. Slight motility or pressure over that area aggravates the hurting. Repeated lifting of objects over the head and leaning for long periods on the elbows increases the chance of developing bursitis. Ultrasound and MRI are useful in diagnosing the condition.

Olecranon Bursitis

  • Golfers Elbow or Medial Epicondylitis: It is the inflammation of the tendon attached to the flexor muscles of the medial epicondyle. It causes pain on the inner side of the elbow and it increases with gripping. Stiffness, weakness, tingling and numbness may likewise be present. Ten-rays and physical examination assist in concluding the crusade.
  • Fractures in the arm: Fracture is a break in the bone. Fractures can occur in the humerus radius and ulna. Fractures are commonly a result of trauma, physical corruption, crumbling or osteoporosis. Severe hurting with deformity, decreased range of motion, swelling and bruising are common with fractures in the arm. X-rays are useful in confirming the location of the fracture.
  • Dislocation: Shoulder dislocation is common with forceful backward pull or farthermost rotation. In shoulder instability, dislocation tin can occur frequently. When the dislocation is incomplete, information technology is chosen every bit Subluxation. Elbow dislocation tin can happen due to a autumn on an out stretched arm or with an automobile accident. Deformed joint and severe pains are common with dislocated basic in the arm.
  • Nervus Entrapment Syndromes: Nerve entrapment or compression syndromes ascend due to pinch of the fretfulness that laissez passer through the elbow towards the forearm namely median, ulnar and radial nerves.
  • Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: It is caused by ulnar nerve entrapment or compression. It presents with numbness, tingling sensation in the ring and little fingers of the hand on the affected side. Weakness, claw like fingers are also mutual in this condition.
  • Radial Tunnel Syndrome: Information technology'south a condition in which radial nerve is compressed. Symptoms are pain on the outer side of the elbow travelling towards the fore arm. Both these atmospheric condition are diagnosed with concrete examination, nerve conduction studies (NCS) and electromyography (EMG).
  • Arthritis: It is the inflammation of the joint space. It can be a consequence of infection, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or other connective tissue disorders. Pain, stiffness and reduced range of motion in the joint are common with arthritis.

What is Arthritis?

  • Pseudogout: It is a class of arthritis caused due to deposition of calcium pyrophosphate crystals in the articulation space.(4 Trusted Source
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How is Sprain in the Arm Diagnosed?

Sprained arm is diagnosed with X�rays, MRI, arthrogram and CT scan.

How is Sprain in the Arm Treated?

Sprained arm is treated with balance, applying ice pack, pinch and elevation. Taking electrotherapy treatments like ultrasound or laser and using NSAIDs provide pain relief. Supportive brace or sling is ordinarily applied. Rehabilitation exercises are also recommended to strengthen the ligaments. In case of a completely torn ligament or instability or dysfunction of the joint, surgical treatment is recommended.(v Trusted Source
About Sprains and Strains

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Ice Pack: Treatment for Sprained Arm

Sprain in the Arm - Wellness Tips

  • Wear supportive equipment while playing sports.
  • Wear protective padding while playing high-impact sports.
  • Practice the correct technique to avoid injuries.
  • Practice strengthening exercises. Ever do warm-up exercises before playing sports.


  1. Sprains and Strains - (
  2. Shoulder Problems and Injuries - (
  3. Shoulder Impingement Syndrome - (
  4. Mitt Pain and Weather condition - (https://world wide
  5. About Sprains and Strains - (

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